
Becoming a nun is a journey with the Holy Spirit. It takes time and experience. The journey begins with the one discerning and the Community getting to know each other. This is accomplished through initial inquiry and then visits with the Abbess, Vocation Directress, and with the Community itself. It is also a process of discernment for the Community as well.

Initial Contact—this would be you at home
A woman who wishes more information contacts the Vocation Directress and has a series of initial conversations about herself, her experience, and our Community.

Aspirancy and Candidacy—this would be Lucia on the far right in the above picture
A woman who desires to experience and possibly enter our Community comes for an initial Come and See Week and then a live-in with us for 3 months after discernment both of the woman and the Community. During this time she experiences interaction with the Community and is guided by the Vocation Directress in her discernment.

A woman can not enter before 1 year has passed after the initial contact date due to new Church regulations.

Postulancy—this would be Sr. Mary Alice in the middle in the above picture wearing the jumper
If a woman continues to feel called and is accepted by the Community, she enters her year of Postulancy where she deepens her appreciation of her baptismal consecration and the fundamental elements of Christianity. With discernment of both the postulant and the Community, it may be extended with the maximum being 2 years.

Novitiate—this would be Sr. Thérèse Marie with the white veil in the back in the tree in the above picture
The Novitiate is a time of more intense initiation into the life of religious consecration through living the spirit of the evangelical counsels and a more in depth learning of our charism. She is clothed in our religious habit and veil, receives a new name and religious title, and lives more deeply the Communal life. The Novitiate lasts for 2 years with the second one being the canonical year. The canonical year is one where the novice detaches from the world and her blood family more, thus observing enclosure more faithfully, and is intensely preparing for the sacrifice of herself in the making of her temporary vows.

Temporary Profession—this would be Sr. Bridget Marie on the far left in the above picture
In the period of temporary vows she progresses toward further maturity and prepares for the complete gift of herself to God through perpetual profession. Temporary vows are made for a period of 6-7 years or until at least 10 years of formation has been completed.

Solemn Profession—this would be Sr. Dolores Marie on the far right in between Sr. Mary Alice and Lucia in the above picture
Until her death, she continues to deepen her knowledge of God, her commitment to her vows, and her love of our Eucharistic Lord. This is a never ending journey as God always provides something new in His relationship with His Beloved.

Initial Requirements

We joyfully welcome inquiries from women who meet the following requirements:                 
• Between the ages of 18 and 40
• Have completed high school education
• In good physical, mental, emotional, and moral health
• Attracted to a life of Eucharistic Adoration and love of prayer
• Ability to live in Community and willingness to live our Franciscan way of life

For more information or if you have any questions, please fill out the form below and the Vocation Directress will be happy to contact you as soon as possible.